Founder and laminitis are often used interchangeably but are actually two separate but related illnesses that affect horses. Laminitis is the inflammation of the horses foot and founder is the name given to the tissue damage and complications that occur from an attack of laminitis. There are many opinions on the causes of laminitis ranging from grazing on lush pasture or overeating of grain to drinking large volumes of water while the horse is overheated or even a retained placenta in a foaling mare.
Not every horse is susceptible to laminitis but the more overweight the horse the higher the risk. If you suspect that your horse has laminitis it is important to take early action. Take him out of the pasture and turn him in some tight circles to see if there is an indication of stiffness.
Feel for heat in the horses foot and check the digital pulse. Heat and a strong pulse are an indication of inflammation in the foot. Laminitis usually affects the front feet but can be present in all four. Soaking the feet in cold water can also help to reduce the inflammation. Prevention of laminitis and founder can be achieved by following proper horse management.
Keep your horse at a reasonable weight and avoid feeding excesses. Feed hay in the mornings if the horse is stabled before they are let out into the pasture to avoid gorging on lush feed and also wait until the dew is off the grass. Give your horse access to unlimited supply of fresh, clean water except immediately after exercise. Always remember that it is easier to prevent laminitis and founder than it is to treat it.
Founder & Laminitis -
Laminitis, Danger in the Grass -
Note: This information is to be considered general in nature and is not to be used to treat specific cases.
Feel for heat in the horses foot and check the digital pulse. Heat and a strong pulse are an indication of inflammation in the foot. Laminitis usually affects the front feet but can be present in all four. Soaking the feet in cold water can also help to reduce the inflammation. Prevention of laminitis and founder can be achieved by following proper horse management.
Keep your horse at a reasonable weight and avoid feeding excesses. Feed hay in the mornings if the horse is stabled before they are let out into the pasture to avoid gorging on lush feed and also wait until the dew is off the grass. Give your horse access to unlimited supply of fresh, clean water except immediately after exercise. Always remember that it is easier to prevent laminitis and founder than it is to treat it.
Founder & Laminitis -
Laminitis, Danger in the Grass -
Note: This information is to be considered general in nature and is not to be used to treat specific cases.